Andrii Sadilov studia fashion design alla National University of Culture and Arts di Kiev. Usa strumenti come: olio, tela, krita e Art Rage. Dal 2005 al 2016 ha lavorato per Karara, occupandosi di marmo, e realizzando sculture e camini intagliati. Dal 2017 ad oggi lavora in Momenti come designer. Dal 2006 al 2009 ha studiato alla Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, fashion design. Nel 2020 ha preso parte al progetto collettivo “Imunity” presso il Museo d’Arte Contemporanea ucraino di Korsaks.
/ Andrii Sadilov studies fashion design at the National University of Culture and Arts in Kiev. Use tools such as: oil, canvas, krita and Art Rage. From 2005 to 2016 he worked for Karara, dealing with marble, and making sculptures and carved fireplaces. From 2017 to today he works in Momenti as a designer. From 2006 to 2009 he studied fashion design at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. In 2020 he took part in the collective project “Imunity” at the Ukrainian Museum of Contemporary Art in Korsaks.