De. Tales

De.Tales is the international architecture, planning and design studio founded in 2020 by Igor Rebosio and Giuseppe Varsavia, based in Milan in the central Magenta area. Interdisciplinary practice with consolidated know-how in various areas of the industry, which include important assignments in the hospitality and luxury residential sectors, presents a design marked by the purity of the lines and a significant functional eclecticism, combined with coherence and elegance of proportions. The studio interprets each project by writing a design tailored to the client, starting from the idea that, behind the concept, there is a story to tell and that the details always count. A unique and original narrative, emblem of De.Tales' thought and work which starts from listening to needs and which consolidates into harmonious projects, with a clearly recognizable aspect of exclusivity.


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MOMENTI® is a forge of ideas and novelties: contact us to realize what you have in mind.

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